Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have to be up ridiculously early in the morning but what am I doing?? Not sleeping! SMH.  I have been trying out different photo techniques for the past 6 hours and I wish I didn't have to work in the morning cause I don't wanna stop. Such is life.  Here are some photos I just took using the time lapse technique.

Cool stuff :)

A "stab" at Multiplicity

So I was on the internet looking at different photography tricks and I "StumbledUpon" multiplicity.  This type of photography allows a person to be in many parts of a wide frame at the same time.  Immediately I said to myself that I had to do it!.  The photos that I saw were so creative and artistic.  So this is my first "stab" at this really cool trick and it definitely won't be my last.  I added a few effects to the final picture because I thought the originals were a little plain.  I think I like the second one the best. Here are all of the pics.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~Picks of the Day~

I spent the majority of the morning trying to figure out how to make a logo so I decided to use it.  I feel a lil legit with these pics, even though I haven't really even began to touch my potential with this form of art.

"Eye see You"

 Washed clothes yesterday


I am a perfectionist when it comes to things that I do.  I was thinking to myself last night that it would be cool if I had my own logo for my pictures.  Now I understand that I am not a professional photographer but for a creative person like myself, having a logo just seems cool to have.  I'm pretty sure I am going to edit it eventually. Maybe someone can give me some tips on how to make a better one.

The 2nd one...